Thursday, March 5, 2009

Such a slacker.......

I know.... it's been awhile. Life is kind of been crazy lately so I haven't been keeping up. Well for the update on my life. Dwaine is still dealing with Crohn's diease (swelling in the intestines) on a daily bases. Some days are good and some not so good. But we have finally got it under control. He is still working thank goodness, even though the economy is horrible he is still employed which I am so thankful for.
Jordan is doing good in school and getting better with the attitude of hating school so much as the days go bye. I at least am getting more than 2 words of how his day was. So that is nice. He has always been a self entertainer and is constantly doing something to keep his time occupied, which helps alot because his sister is keeping us on our feet 24/7 no kidding just ask anyone. She is a terror and into absolutely everything.
Jayden's newest thing is getting herself dressed and though she is only 16 months it is so cute how hard she concentrates on putting one pant leg on one lege and her shirt on the other leg. I have wanted a little girl for so long and with having just boys in the house for 8 years including the animals it was a nice change to have some "girly" time in the house and let me tell you it's very "girly". She loves, loves, loves any type of shoes you open up your closet and she is entertained for at least an hour. She puts shoes on everyone else especially her daddy. He had to show me his new shoes that only really fit his big toe but they were pink high heels with a big flower and boy were they nice. Jordan has actually gotten used to wearing them because she gets so mad when he doesn't put a pair on and he actually walks pretty good in them which sometimes worries me but if you all know my son it's nothing out of the norm. He is always doing things for attention.
Jordan is such a talented kid, too smart for his own good. He loves video games and give him a couple of days and he will win the whole game, you give him a piece of blank paper and it turns into a art piece. His imagination just keeps going and amazes me everyday. He is such a good kid, and is growing up so fast. The only thing we have to work on is the mouth. He is so loud, you feel like you need ear plugs when he talks to you.
The newest addition to our family is Charlie. He is our new Shih tzu. We love him to pieces, he is so much fun. It took us awhile to pick a dog because we all wanted something different. I have wanted a English Bulldog forever and Jordan wanted another Pug since our last one was a little crazy my husband gave her away to our good friends and he has been devastated ever since. Dwaine wanted a Shih tzu and of course he won because he has said NO for a long time because we decided on a kitty for Jordan a couple of years ago and instead I came home with 2 instead and he has taken care of them ever since so if I gave into the dog he wanted then I knew I could convince him to get one and it worked of course. But our lives are caotic with both working, taking care of 2 kids, 2 cats and now a dog. So you can imagine our night and weekend lives.
As for me, nothing too major going on with me other than I keep having some little health issues that keep ending me up in ER but getting that under control hopefully soon. Still waiting to get into the nursing program which is taking literally forever. It's definetly really, really hard to do your career after you have a family. So just a word of advice try to do it before you start a family it will go alot faster and alot easier. I hope someday I will be done and can actually get back to a normal life but for now it's the stress of me and my husbands life. So who knows what the future will bring I might just end up back at square one thinking " what do I want to be when I grow up".... because if it doesn't happen soon, I might just have to join the circus or something.
Well thats all really next blog hopefully won't be sooooo long in between.