Friday, November 14, 2008

Kids grow up too fast.

It's funny because if you know my kids they are so different except for the fact one looks like the other. Jordan is my 9 year old going on adult. He is so smart and says thing I have no idea what they mean. Since I have such a huge gap between my kids and they are different sexes I am learning so much. Jordan is at that age now he hates to cuddle, he wants to do everything on his own. For example we were sitting down getting ready for dinner last night and he tells Dwaine that he wants him to buy him a George Foreman grill like his so he can cook his own food. Which is a good thing Dwaine said no because I would no longer have a house. It would be crisped to ground if you know Jordan's attention span. He hates his mom picking out his clothes, he is into absolutely everything I don't like. I guess I just can't let go of my baby boy,speaking of he always is telling me and his dad to not call him our baby boy,because he says he is definetly not a child. Jayden the princess of the house who stole her daddy's heart, get's everything she wants, and not that her brother gets negleted by any means if you have seen my house. Jayden is a goof ball and laughs at herself for everything. She is into climbing and getting into everything. Jordan is self entertained and rarely gets bored. Over the years of raising Jordan and since I have all sisters and my dad left when I was pretty young boys to me were a new experience. A experience that has no words to explain. It has been fun with having one of each because they are so different. But you never get bored. Everyone tells me that aren't you glad I didn't have another Jordan. I know how bad that sounds but it's true in some aspects. Again like all of you who knew Jordan as a baby you couldn't wait to hand over a severe colic baby and go home and have some peace and quiet. Jordan was a very hard baby and I wouldn't have given him back for anything. After going days with no sleep, every medicine tried for colic and every person I know trying to help comfort him, NOTHING WORKED!! He finally grew out of colic, acid reflex and sleep deprivation when he was about 16 months old. So you can only imagine. Jayden on the other hand slept through the night pretty much at day one. I think God knew mentally and emotionally her parents couldn't do it again. So those of you have asked why there is such a gap between your kids, there is your answer. Jayden knows when we say let's go nighty night, she grabs her blanket heads down the hall to her room and doesn't make one noise. We kiss her goodnight, put her in bed and she either blows a kiss or waves bye bye. Lights out and she is asleep. I hope that Jordan teaches her alot so she can grow up and be just like her big brother in many ways. He is a great kid and will go far in life. As for now the two are the greatest kids ever and I thank god everyday for picking the 2 cutest kids that are so perfect for me. I couldn't have done better myself. Now all I need to do is find that fountain everyone talks about to make you stay young so they can stay small forever. I love you Jordan and Jayden. Love Mommy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My first Blog........

Well I am going to give it a shot. Thanksgiving time is coming soon and it is my favorite time of year. I am very big on traditions and making new ones with my family as well. It all begins with Thanksgiving. Me and Dwaine have a pretty big family since both of our parents are divorced, it kind of makes up for a crazy day. We try to fit in a couple of families that day but you know as well as I do you can only eat so much and your pants will only stretch so far until they rip. But for the most part we have a lot of fun hanging out with the family. The night of Thanksgiving I look forward too all year long, only because it involves SHOPPING. Me and my sisters meet at my mom's house and go through the ads for the Big Black Friday, or what most people say Death Friday. I don't agree, I love every bit about it. Call me crazy but it is so much fun and very entertaining. We have got a lot smarter over the years from trial and error and we set out our plan on Thanksgiving night and decide where we will meet at 2:00 in the morning. This year I am wanting to attempt the mall at midnight but we will see. I have also made my husband apart of it and he has learned to love it. Not really love it but hey he is a good sport. What more could you ask for with your husband to get no sleep and to shop with women for at least 16 hours. That's what I love about him. His adventurous side. LOL. I am so stoked and can't wait for the craziness oh and yeah all the good food.