Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My first Blog........

Well I am going to give it a shot. Thanksgiving time is coming soon and it is my favorite time of year. I am very big on traditions and making new ones with my family as well. It all begins with Thanksgiving. Me and Dwaine have a pretty big family since both of our parents are divorced, it kind of makes up for a crazy day. We try to fit in a couple of families that day but you know as well as I do you can only eat so much and your pants will only stretch so far until they rip. But for the most part we have a lot of fun hanging out with the family. The night of Thanksgiving I look forward too all year long, only because it involves SHOPPING. Me and my sisters meet at my mom's house and go through the ads for the Big Black Friday, or what most people say Death Friday. I don't agree, I love every bit about it. Call me crazy but it is so much fun and very entertaining. We have got a lot smarter over the years from trial and error and we set out our plan on Thanksgiving night and decide where we will meet at 2:00 in the morning. This year I am wanting to attempt the mall at midnight but we will see. I have also made my husband apart of it and he has learned to love it. Not really love it but hey he is a good sport. What more could you ask for with your husband to get no sleep and to shop with women for at least 16 hours. That's what I love about him. His adventurous side. LOL. I am so stoked and can't wait for the craziness oh and yeah all the good food.


Stacy said...

It's about time!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy!!! Love the blog. Your little baby is so cute! Oh when she was just a bump in your tummy.....Feel free to check out my blog! featherstoneclan.blogspot