Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just some things...

Well I know all kids have a mind of their own especially my one year old Jayda bug. Her newest thing is she really believes that her toy box is down stairs. It doesn't matter what it is whether it's her doll, legos, her clothes or my drink she thinks they all belong downstairs. She chucks them over or through the railing depending on if it fits through the railing and down to the bottom of the stairs they go. So when you look downstairs there is a pile of treasures she has waiting for us to pick up and she laughs. She also loves the Christmas decorations that we have put out especially for her or she thinks. The Christmas tree has now literally been caged in because if not I am sure all of you would know what would happen with a monkey climbing up the tree that would have been Jayden if we were not watching. She loves to get on her tippy toes and stretch over the gate and try to reach whatever ornaments she can and then of course you can imagine her laughing as she puts them in her toy box. I couldn't put all of Christmas decorations out and it's a good thing because I am ready to put the tree away too.

Our night routines pretty much stick to the same routines nightly and now Jordan has a new helper. He has to read 20 minutes every night for school and now when Jayden see's him reading his book she has to drop whatever she is doing to go and sit in his lap. It's priceless. She will sit there the whole time while her big brother reads Dr. Seuss to her. It's a great addition to our nightly routine and I love watching the two of them bond since there is such a gap in age, I was really afraid they wouldn't but you really do have to see it. It's a great time to look forward too in our routine. If you want to join the Dr. Seuss book club you are more than welcomed. Same time, same place.

Last but not least we thought we would go to the store and buy a new Christmas movie to watch we decided to get Shrek the Halls. The movie started out really cute and we were just getting into and all of sudden the credits were on and we all looked at each other and said no way this can't be the end, but believe it or not it was. It was a whole 22 minutes. So just a word of advice don't waste your money. It's not even worth it, and if you want to see I have and you are more than welcome to borrow it.

By the way I did see Twilight and I must say I want to see it again. I was really afraid I wasn't going to like it and went into it not wanting to like it and that is was going to ruin the book for me. I was not happy about who they picked for Edward and Bella. Mostly Edward he was not what I pictured and was not nearly as cute as I expected either. But in fact I loved it. There was quite a few cheezy parts to it, which I thought could have been a lot better but I got over it and really liked it. I wish it didn't take so long for the next one to come out it's going to be agony waiting but hey I am a true fan of Twilight and will be there front and center and in the mean time I guess I have to read them all over again. It sounds so great doesn't it. My husband thinks I am crazy and I myself think I am too but hey nothing like a great love story with vampires and werewolves. I am a sucker especially since I hate to read. Literally this is the only book besides A Child called It, is among my book collection of books I have read completely through. I know, I know I am an animal and I need to take it easy but why read new books when I can read the twilight series over again. Sounds good to me.


Stacy said...

How fun! I love hearing about your cute little family.